Current Australian laws hold employers accountable if something goes wrong
at work that causes an injury or death.

In Queensland and the ACT, you could be charged with
Industrial Manslaughter if you can’t prove an employee was
properly trained
 in the event of a death at work.

Don’t risk a Work Safe Investigation (or worse), all because of a lack of training
and compliance. We track all of the latest changes in legislation in each state
and territory of Australia to keep your training up-to-date.

We’ve made it easy to get your business legally compliant and saving
money (and all without a contract or upfront payment)

Try our ready-to-use employee induction packages for free

Our LMS is fully managed, so we do the hard work for you. We will tailor your training library to suit your business & help you convert your existing content to interactive, online training OR you can use our ready-to-use packages

Use our LMS to allocate training to your employees and contractors. The system will create user profiles and you can email your team directly from the LMS. The reporting portal will enable you to monitor training completions, competency testing and compliance.