Key steps to avoid Management Liability

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Key steps to avoid Management Liability Organisations are facing more risks than ever before. With an increasingly litigious society it seems that a potential lawsuit could present itself at any moment. Whether you’re found liable or not, the time-consuming litigation process could be difficult to manage and extremely costly…

Risks for Hospitality Service Personnel

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Risks for Hospitality Service Personnel There are many safety concerns for wait staff and incidents like the one shown in this video can easily happen in our busy, crowded work environments. Unfortunately I myself had an extremely embarrassing incident many years ago where I dropped a tray of drinks…

Safety in the Storage and Warehousing Industry

Safety in the Storage and Warehousing Industry

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””] Safety in the Storage and Warehousing Industry   Storage and Warehousing are an integral part of Australia’s supply chain and combined with transport, the industry employs an estimated 500,000 people across Australia. Warehousing work is often heavy and consequently workers in this industry have a higher than…

Training in Dealing with challenging or aggressive clients

Training in Dealing with challenging or aggressive clients

In some industries, including health, community and employment services, workers may be in contact with clients who are confused, unwell and/or under the influence of alcohol and drugs including ‘ice’ (Crystal Methamphetamine). Employees may be at risk of injury or harm from intimidating, frightening, threatening, offensive or physically dangerous people while at…

Why are Safety Inductions Important?

[vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text] Why are Safety Inductions important? For a majority of businesses, employees are our most important assets and how we introduce them to the company has a profound impact on their success. We understand that the onboarding process is critical, yet many organisations take an ad-hoc approach to induction training and relying…

Managing Millennials

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Managing Millennials Generally Millennials (people born in the 80’s – 2000’s) are tech savvy, innovative and they do team work well. Before they start work, they are familiar with communications, media and digital technologies. They are an asset to the work pace. Let’s look at some of the challenges and benefits to…

The top 3 Myths of staff Onboarding

The top 3 Myths of staff Onboarding

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””] The top 3 Myths of Onboarding Onboarding your employees is a critical step to ensuring success in today’s business environment. Done right, onboarding can build relationships and motivate your new team-members to work more productively and cohesively. Despite the proven benefits of onboarding, there are still a…